Pollution Prevention Quiz Do you live in Marin County? Yes No How do you prevent pollution from entering storm drains? Place yard waste such as leaves and yard trimmings in a compost bin or yard recycle bin Wash your car over the lawn or at a carwash Put all litter in trash cans Use less toxic pesticides and fertilizers All of the above Certain natural events and human activities contribute to mercury in the atmosphere. Rain carries this contaminant into water bodies and ultimately their ecosystem and fish. Humans can be exposed to Mercury by eating fish that swim in these waters. The amount of mercury in fish depends on: The age of the fish, what it eats, and its location in the food chain The color of the fish and the size of their fins Swimming in a school (group) of fish All of above Which of these items can be flushed down the toilet without causing problems in the sewers or at the wastewater treatment plants? Dental Floss Toilet Paper Flushable Wipes – Baby, Personal, Cleaning Tissues, Kleenex All of the above You should call the 1-800-SAV-R-BAY Hotline if you see someone dumping anything into a storm drain or sewer. (ie; paint, used oil, soap, radiator fluid) Yes No When cleaning pots and pans that contain a small amount of grease you should: Scrape the solidified grease into the sink and run it though the garbage disposal Run it through a cycle in your dishwater using a little extra soap Use extremely hot dish water with soap and wash it down the drain. Let it harden then scrape it out and place into the garbage can or yard waste container Today, traces of pharmaceutical drugs are found polluting our bay. Pharmaceutical drug pollution can be minimized by disposing of unused medication properly. How should we properly dispose of unused pharmaceutical drugs? By pouring them down the sink By flushing them down the toilet By taking them to a designated drop-off box located at various police stations, fire departments and household hazardous waste facilities By throwing them into the garbage can. CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.