Treatment Plant Tours
Most wastewater treatment plants in Marin County offer tours to students, individuals, scouts, science classes and other groups. See our Tour listings to book a tour near you.
Go With the Flow – School Assembly Program
Go With the Flow is an interactive and entertaining assembly program that educates students about what happens to our water after it goes down our household drains. Through juggling, comedy, and magic, students learn why ….
School Presentations & Other Programs
Other school presentations are temporarily on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Check back next year for more updates.
Educational Quizzes
Take our pollution prevention quiz. Test your knowledge of how contaminants get into our wastewater. See tips to avoid pollutants at home.
All while gaining an awareness of our most precious natural resource . . . water.
Our Brochures
See the full series of “Dotty the Water Droplet” educational videos.